SMOKERS:A beekeeper's smoker is a device that is used to calm bees by interfering with their alarm pheremones. It generates smoke (thus how it got its name) from the smouldering fuel inside the barrel, and is essential part of the beekeepers kit to allow the manipulation of honey bees. There are 3 m..
FRAME TACKSZinc coated tacks, for finishing attachment of wire to frames.Also useful to attach riser to base board.Tack size 1.4mm x 20mm.Per 50gLARGER QUANTITIES AVAILABLE UPON REQUEST..
UNCAPPING KNIFE - ELECTRICA high quality electric uncapping knife which makes the removal of wax capping from frames a simple operation. Made of food quality stainless steel with a built in thermostat, this electric knife will give years of useful service.Also available is the Pierce USA brand elect..
BEE BRUSHThis brush is used to gently sweep bees off frames during inspection or extraction. Nylon - the fine nylon hairs ensure that the bees are not caught in the brush or injured.Horse hair - is gentler than nylon hair and more resistant to propolis and honey accumulation on the fibres...
UNCAPPING KNIFEGood quality, 28cm uncapping knife is made of extra thick steel so that it retains heat longer after dipping in hot water.The knife is used for the easy removal of the wax cover over a frame of honey prior to extraction.For best results, heat the knife in very hot w..
FRAME HOLDER FOR HIVE Frame holders ( 2 pieces) are attached to the side of a hive box and make inspecting frames much easier.Made of stainless steel they can easily be attached and then moved to the next hive for another inspection.Bulk price- 50 for $600. Call for shipping quote and to order...
Uncapping RollerUncapping rollers are an inexpensive and easy way to remove wax capping from combs of honey. Roll the uncapper over the surface of the honeycomb to break the wax, then place the frame into an extractor to remove the honey...
FRAME GRIP A frame grip is used to take frames from the hive with one hand.Lightweight and easy to use, the grip is wide enough to hold any depth of frame.Specifically designed to grip the deeper Australian frame top bars...
SCRATCHERA useful tool, the scratcher has a plastic handle with stainless steel needles for removing capping wax from frames.Ideal for the hobby beekeeper.Comes with curved or straight needles. Also available is a scratcher made of a single piece of stainless steel cut by laser.The laser scratc..
HONEY SIEVE/FILTER Two styles of filters/sieves to remove small particles from your honeySTAINLESS STEEL - DOUBLEWith adjustable arms to fit over different diameters of honey container, this stainless steel strainer consists of two filters.The first filter is coarse to eliminate larger w..
QUEEN MARKING CAGEPlace the cage over the queen and gently press the cage into the comb.Once the queen is unable to move use a pen to mark her thorax so that she will be easier to find during later hive inspections.Make sure your pen ink is flowing before you start the marking p..