HONEY SIEVE/FILTER Two styles of filters/sieves to remove small particles from your honeySTAINLESS STEEL - DOUBLEWith adjustable arms to fit over different diameters of honey container, this stainless steel strainer consists of two filters.The first filter is coarse to eliminate larger w..
Ex Tax:$36.36WAX FILTER OR CAPPINGS BAG The bag is used to clear honey from cappings. The mesh bag is filled with wax cappings and can either:- be left to drain into a large pail, or- placed in an extractor and the honey removed by rotation.Comes in two types - soft fine filter and strong coarse filter..
Ex Tax:$18.18HONEY GATEDiameter of gates is 4cm.Nylon - Made from food grade plastic, with a silicon seal and stainless steel screws. Stainless Steel - Made of food grade stainless steel. The seal can be sterilised in boiling water to ensure cleanliness. ..
Ex Tax:$18.18ESCAPE/CLEARER BOARD -- 8 WAYAn efficient board used to remove the majority of bees from a super before frames are taken for extracting.Prior to extracting, place the clearer board between the super or supers to be removed and the brood box.Overnight most of the bees will have moved ..
Ex Tax:$31.82ESCAPE DISK - 8 WAYPlastic escape disk enables you to build your own 8 way escape board.8 way escapes are more efficient at removing bees from supers to be taken for honey extraction...
Ex Tax:$4.55ESCAPE/CLEARER BOARD - 4 WAY Clearer or Escape Boards are used prior to extraction to clear bees from the honey super.Place the board with the 4 galvanised escape corners face down towards the brood or other box that will not be removed.The other side of the board without the corners will be..
Ex Tax:$31.82ESCAPE CORNER - GALVANISED - 4 piecesThe bee escape is placed in the corner of escape boards so that the super can be emptied of bees prior to removing frames for honey extractionPrice listed is for 4 escapes, the number usually needed per escape board.The bee escapes are made of gal..
Ex Tax:$3.64EXTRACTOR LIDS (REPLACEMENT SET)Replacement set of perspex extractor lids...
Ex Tax:$36.36